Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today is a gorgeous day out! Our house is built just for this kind of day. Sunshine in the morning and lots of air. My healing days are continuing. They are certainly a bit boring but I am continuing to believe that the healing goes on. I am not taking Vicodin anymore but am taking a couple aspirins every four hours or so. The knee aches a lot and is sore. I know that it heals from the outside in and I need and want it to heal well! I see all the gardening that I need/want to do and feel a bit trapped. Also have shopping to do..... Oh, and work.

Yesterday Bob went to Madison and took care of H. He brought her back here for lunch and it was really nice to see her and to have company for awhile. We ate out on the deck and "walked" the backyard looking at flowers coming up. It is so nice to see flowers here. Last year at this time all was very barren due to just moving in in January. Can't do any planting in Wisconsin then!

They left and quite a bit later I realized she/we forgot her nana. This is a major issue. It provides lots of security and comfort for her. I guess she didn't miss it on the ride home. So, Bob rode his motorcyle back to Madison to make sure the little girl was at peace. He enjoyed the ride but did do three round trips in one day. We won't probably forget the nana again.


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